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Toronto Fundraising Luncheon with Bill Browder

“Exposing Putin’s Campaign to Steal Billions and Terrorize Those Who Stand in His Way.” Hear Bill Browder, New York Times Bestseller Author and Vladimir Putin’s public enemy number one, describe how we can take on one of the most ruthless villains in the world – and win.

Join us for an in-person discussion by Bill Browder, an individual who has successfully fought against the Putin regime for the past 15 years.  This event is being organized through the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Ukrainian Canadian Professional & Business Association and the Ukrainian Canadian Bar Association.

Here are the details for the event:

            What               Luncheon with Bill Browder – “Exposing Putin’s Campaign to Steal Billions and Terrorize Those Who Stand in His Way”

            When              Wednesday, October 19, 2022 – 12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

            Where             Albany Club, 91 King Street East, Toronto

            Why                In Support of Canada-Ukraine Foundation’s Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal ( – All net proceeds will be donated to this cause with charitable receipts issued.

           Purchase tickets  

Mr. Browder is:

  • The CEO and co-founder of Hermitage Capital Management, the investment advisor to the Hermitage Fund, which at one time was the largest foreign portfolio investor in Russia.
  • Declared a threat to Russian national security based on his shareholder rights activism against some of Russia’s largest companies.
  • A global advocate for the adoption of Magnitsky legislation (named after Mr. Browder’s tax lawyer who was murdered in a Russian jail), intended to sanction foreign government officials who are deemed to be human rights offenders.
  • A New York Times best-selling author – Red Notice: A True Story of High Finance, Murder, and One Man’s Fight for Justice (published in 2015) and his most recent book (published in April), Freezing Order: A True Story of Money Laundering, Murder and Surviving Vladimir Putin’s Wrath

Special thanks to our sponsors:
✭✭✭ Gold – Ukrainian Credit Union

✭✭✭ Gold – Temerty Foundation

✭✭ Silver– Stewart McKelvey

✭Bronze– Rodan Energy Solutions

✭ Bronze – BCU Financial Group

Contact organizers at

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Resume and Interview Workshop

UCPBA invites to attend our Resume and Interview Workshop with Lara Franko

Join us for an interactive in-person session to learn more about resume creation, interview and networking tips and mentorship opportunities 

UNO Bistro Cafe
145 Evans Ave, Toronto. 

Event start time is 5:00 pm. 
5:30 PM Presentations
6:30 PM Networking 

This workshop is free for newcomers. Advance registration is required 
REGISTER HERE:…/resume-and-interview…

Please let us know your questions and comments in advance of the session by completing this quick survey

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Free Legal Information – Ask an Immigration Lawyer

Безкоштовна онлайн зустріч з Канадськими юристами з питань імміграції в Канаду.

Четвер, 14 липня з 6 до 7 вечора (EST time zone) – Вебінар з питань Канадського іміграційного права 

Обговоримо часто задавані запитання:
➡️як подати на вклейку візи в Канаді для тих хто приїхав по foil-less visa
➡️як продовжити візу та термін дії паспорта перебуваючи в Канаді
➡️як зняти обмеження з дозволу на роботу
➡️в яких випадках потрібно отримати дозвіл на навчання
➡️чи можна працювати як self-employed з відкритим дозволом на роботу

Цей вебінар буде українською мовою 

Реєструйтеся щоб отримати лінк…/reg…/WN_V2NKBnXJTgWO-uBO7UF1Ew
та слідкуйте за оновленнями сторінки.

Безкоштовна юридична консультація для українців, які прибувають до Канади:

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Resume Building and Networking Workshop For Newcomers

July 6, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm EST via Zoom


Join us for an interactive Zoom session to learn more about resume and cover letter creation, LinkedIn and networking, job search techniques.


Beth Yarzab

With a background in Executive Search, Recruitment, Human Resources, and Coaching, Beth has over 15 years of experience in the career development field. 

As an entrepreneur, Beth helped hundreds of clients with resume and cover letter creation, LinkedIn and networking, job search techniques, and interviewing with confidence before re-inventing her own career in 2020. 

Combining her passion for fitness with career development Beth now works at canfitpro, Canada’s largest fitness education company, where she creates certification programs for fitness professionals.

Olha Sorokivska

Olha is an experienced & results-driven People leader who leads with empathy, trust, & passion. 

In the last 10 years, Olha helped tech companies scale and attract great talent in a very competitive market. She is passionate about culture, building strong relationships, and creating great workplace experiences. 

As a lifelong learner and a builder of scaling organizations, Olha is driven to help companies like Daylight Automation Inc. where she works as a Senior Manager of People become incredibly successful.

She brings extensive experience in talent acquisition, employee engagement, recruiting processes, recognition and external company branding.

This workshop is free and open to public. Registration is required in order to receive a Zoom link.


Please let us know your questions and comments in advance of the session by completing this quick survey

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UCPBA Networking Night

You are invited to our first in-person event of this Summer 2022!

Let’s meet, network, and support each other in building a strong Ukrianian community in Canada.

We look forward to see you Thursday June 23rd at Barrel House Korchma. We will have hospitable on-the-house appetizers hosted by UCPBA and cash bar. We look forward in seeing you all there!
To get in touch with us please email 

This event is free and open to public. Space is limited, so we ask everyone to register in advance. 

Запрошуємо всіх зустрітися, щоб поспілкуватися та підтримати один одного у розвитку сильної української громади в Канаді.

Чекаємо на вас у четвер, 23 червня, у Barrel House Korchma. У нас будуть гостинні домашні закуски, якими пригощає UCPBA. Чекаємо всіх вас там!

Цей захід є безкоштовним. Кількість місць обмежена, тому просимо всіх зареєструватися заздалегідь.

Сконтактуватися з нами можна по емейлу:

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Legal Information Sessions  

A series of webinars and Q&A sessions have been put together by Canadian lawyers and legal practitioners to support Ukrainians in Canada and abroad, who need immediate legal information.
The sessions are held each Thursday of April from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm EST via Zoom.

These virtual sessions are free and open to public. The information is provided in English and Ukrainian.

Topics to be covered:

Thursday, April 7 (6 – 7 PM EST) – work permit applications for Ukrainians inside and outside Canada;

Thursday, April 14 (6 – 7 PM EST) – CUAET program FAQ;

Thursday, April 21 (6 – 7 PM EST) – Study permits and educational programs for students;

Thursday, April 28 (6 – 7 PM EST) – H&C Applications

Register in advance to receive a Zoom link:

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Yalynka 2021

Yalynka 2021 is here!!! Get your tickets today at

Join us on Saturday, December 4, 2021 for the best party of 2021!

When: Saturday, December 4, 2021. Doors open at 9 pm.

Where : Old Mill Toronto, 21 Old Mill Road

What to expect: Cash bar, Appetizers, Entertainment

Tickets are ON SALE NOW:
– $30 for UCPBA members
– $40 for non-members

Purchase tickets through Eventbrite at THIS LINK

Entrance requires full vaccination

Special thanks to our sponsors:

✭✭✭ Platinum – BCU Financial Group
✭✭ Gold – Ukrainian Credit Union
✭✭ Gold – Myhal Family Foundation
✭ Wine – Rosewood Estates Winery

Contact Organizers at 416-906-2412 

Hope to see you all there!!!

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UCPBA Beer Tasting Night

Please join us at Black Lab Brewing on Wednesday September 8, 2021, at 6:00 pm, for our first in-person social event of the year! Cost is $30 and includes beer (a flight or two pints), snacks, a presentation of the beers from a senior brewmaster and small group tours of the brewery. The event will go on rain or shine. We have a private area in the beer garden, as well as dedicated indoor space (if required).
Number of spots is limited, so please get your tickets in advance at the following link :

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The UCPBA Women’s Mentorship Program

Mentorship Program aims to provide female Mentees the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge of their industry, career development and advancement, and work-life balance from their Mentors. During this inaugural year of the Mentorship Program, Mentors and Mentees will be paired on the basis of their professional backgrounds and career goals in the following professions: law, accounting, finance, business and medicine. The UCPBA Committee will support and coordinate the program throughout the year, as well as provide guidelines and modules to promote effective mentorship.

Mentor Responsibilities

As a Mentor, you will have the opportunity to coach, motivate, empower and give back to the community by helping shape future female leaders. Mentors are asked to attend monthly meetings with their assigned Mentee. Mentors are expected to come to meetings prepared to discuss either the suggested module topic or engage in productive discussions to support the Mentee’s career development. The expected time commitment is at least two hours per month. Mentors are not expected to facilitate job offers or provide reference letters.

Mentees Will Be:

  • screened to ensure serious commitment to the program and the mentoring relationship;
  • required to have at least 3 years of work experience;
  • required to be a member of UCPBA (and pay applicable yearly member fee);
  • responsible for scheduling monthly meetings with the Mentors

Important Dates

The Mentorship Program will run from October 1st, 2021 to September 31st , 2022. A virtual event kick-off hosted by the UCPBA Committee will be held on the evening of September 30th, 2021, and attendance is mandatory to be eligible for the program. The UCBPA Committee will also organize two additional group events throughout the year. The deadline to submit your application is August 31, 2021.

If you’re interested in becoming a mentee, please back reply to with the following information:

  1. Your profession, title and industry
  2. How long you’ve been in the workforce (full-time)
  3. Why you want to be part of this program (1-2 sentences)

Our committee will review your request and contact you directly with a decision and next steps.

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UCPBA Bingo Night June 24 at 7:30 pm

UCPBA invites you to join us for a fun virtual Bingo Night, on Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 7:30 pm.
Please note that registration is required and it will close on June 22 (midnight). Here is the registration link:
Only individuals registered will receive the game instructions, bingo cards and zoom codes. Space is limited so reserve your spot early.